Does A Clean Office Space Affect Workplace Productivity? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Does A Clean Office Space Affect Workplace Productivity? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Harvard University did a study that involved the productivity of students they placed to work in a variety of cluttered environments. The study showed that students who worked in a clutter-free clean office space were able to work for a total of 7.5 minutes longer than the ones trying to do the same thing in a cluttered space. Harvard learned that overall an untidy work space can actually cause distraction and disorganization when it came to completing tasks. 

How much is your lack of clean office space costing you?


clean office spaceFurther to the Harvard finding, according to the data presented by the “International Data Corporation”, employees searching for lost documents equates to businesses losing around 2.5 million dollars in lack of productivity. Can you imagine what one could do with that kind of money?

Are your employees happy?

A clean office space means that your employees are more inclined to be happier to come to and work hard when at work. Clutter and mess can result in people trying to spread their focus in too many directions all at once. This leads to higher stress levels and severe unhappiness in a job. Just as your clean home makes you feel at peace, a clean office space will provide the same contentment for you and your employees. clean office space

Furthermore, staying on top of your office space clutter will in turn make for a healthier office space. On average, employees miss nine working day per year thanks to illness. This is an issue with companies all over the world.

According to the infographic created by “Cleaning Services Group” out of the UK, keyboards can very easily hold up to 7,500 bacteria at any given time. YUK!!




clean office space

It Has Been 24 Hours

clean office spaceDid you know that flu viruses can survive on your office space equipment for 24 hours? Yes, that surface that Johnny was just sneezing all over yesterday is very unhealthy. It can still make you sick today, even though he has stayed home.

Visit our past post for ways on how to encourage a clean office space among your employees?

clean office spaceIf you haven’t recently given your office space equipment a good clean, now would be a great time. Winter season is filled with cold and flu viruses. Keep your team healthy and coming in daily to work hard. Do this by making a weekly wipe down and a bi-weekly deep clean a regular occurrence at work. 

“Canned air is your best friend for getting in between all your keyboard keys. You may be very surprised to see how much stuff comes out of there once you start blowing it out”


Iclean office spacen conclusion, a clean office space, means fewer health risks that you and your team will have to face. As a result your employees will be that much more engaged and productivity will only improve. This is something we can all agree to be happy about.



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